We are doing a great job collecting costumes so far, and without giving away any spoilers, we have some really good donations, you are going to love shopping this sale!!
Please continue to send donations, we need many more to make this sale a success!
Please also consider signing up to stand with the costume box in the mornings to make sure the donations go smoothly. It is a super easy job, you just stand with the box from 8:10a-8:40a. You don't have to do anything else! To volunteer, you can sign up here:
We will need volunteers to help organize costumes, help on the day of the sale, and will need hanging racks and extra hangers if anyone has them. We will send out sign ups for this in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, don't forget to mark your calendars for the date of the sale, October 2nd!
One last request, we would love it if you ask your local friends and families for donations as well. The feedback from the community thus far has been really positive, and people have been happy to donate. We have gotten some very special donations this way!
If you have any questions, please contact Elke Rusell at elkerussell@gmail.com.
Thank you in advance!!